Posted on May 21 2015 - 10:39pm

Come honor our veterans and heros at the 2015 Darien Memorial Day Parade!

Monday, May 25th at 9am. Goodwives Shopping Center.

Pack 161 will meet in lane 3 of Goodwives - this appears on the map (attached) to be somewhere between Stop n Shop and the wine store. On the map, we are labeled as "CUBS". Please read directions for very important instructions on parking and drop off rules. You will NOT be able to park in Goodwives - only in the areas nearby. Boys must be in uniform - please no sports shorts/pants or jeans. Parents can walk with their scouts, but not required as Pack/Den leadership will be there as well. The length of the parade is 1.25 miles - so make sure your scout wears comfortable shoes!

 Attached please find the following items:

1.Parade Rules

2. Participant Marching Order     

3. Map of Assembly Area


Posted on Mar 5 2016 - 12:55pm

Darien Cub Scouts Overnight at the Beardsley Zoo!

Pack 161 joins Darien Packs 55, 155 and 56 for this awesome, fun-filled event!

Sat, Apr 23rd (6 pm arrival) - Sun, Apr 24th (8 am program dismissal, but you are welcome to stay at the zoo for the day!!)

We will participate in special evening programs and sleep at the Carousel Building. The night will include a pizza dinner, animal encounters, carousel rides, howl-owl-prowl to see the nightlife of the zoo, scavenger hunts, movie and breakfast the next day. The scouts will sleep in the carousel building. And everyone is welcome to explore the zoo for as long as they want on Sunday!

 Family and friends are welcome. Not a drop off event: children must be accompanied by an adult.  (A parent may take responsibility for another scout/friend if pre-arranged). Cost is $60 per person (children and adults).

 Please RSVP as we need a minimum of 40 people in order to hold this event! RSVP to Thais Gherardi: thais.gherardi@ge.com.

 For info about the Beardsley Zoo, visit their website: http://www.beardsleyzoo.com/

District Championship

Apr 30 2016 - 10:30am
Apr 30 2016 - 2:00pm
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 686 South Ave, New Canaan

District Pinewood Derby and Cubmobile

Apr 26 2014
Apr 26 2014

District Pinewood Derby Championship

Apr 28 2012 - 12:00pm
Apr 28 2012 - 3:00pm
Church of the Latter Day Saints, 682 South Ave, New Canaan


Posted on Oct 27 2015 - 1:53pm


Feel like earning great prizes?

We're opening up sales for any cubs who want to go door to door and compete for popcorn prizes.

Forms and other paperwork will be available at Thursday's Pack Meeting for scouts to take home. If you are unable to attend Thursday's meeting, please contact Craig Schorr at cspack161@gmail.com to get forms.  Cubs should leave their completed order forms in Elizabeth Lazzara's mailbox at 38 Dubois Street by Thursday, October 29 at the latest as we need to submit our Pack's order on October 30.


Posted on Oct 30 2014 - 6:05am


Calling all Pack 161 and Troop 35 Scouts

Pack 161 will be hosting a Cub Scout Conservation Project on Tuesday, November 4, Election Day, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Woodland Park (Rain date Saturday, November 8th).  We will be cleaning up along Middlesex Road and the trail, and also spreading wood chips on the main trail. Please bring your own tools:  shovels, rakes, gloves and wheel barrows (if you have one).
This will be a great chance to help out in our community and an excellent opportunity for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts to socialize.  Boy Scouts can count this activity toward their service hours. Pizza lunch will be provided for all participants. Parents and siblings are welcome.  Please register on home page in right hand column "Event Registration." Questions can be directed to Susan Daly-susan.y.daly@gmail.com.  We hope you can join us in this worthwhile community effort!


Posted on Oct 27 2015 - 1:53pm

Calling all Pack 161 and Troop 35 Scouts

Pack 161 will be hosting a Cub Scout Conservation Project on Tuesday, November 3, Election Day, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. at Darien Community Association (DCA) Bird Sanctuary at 274 Middlesex Road, located toward the rear of the DCA building (http://dariendca.org/about-us/dca-bird-sanctuary/).  We will be raking leaves, moving brush piles and spreading wood chips. Please bring your own tools:  shovels, rakes, gloves, tarps and wheel barrows (if you have one). This will be a great chance to help out in our community and an excellent opportunity for Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts to socialize.  Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts can count this activity toward their service hours. 
Pizza lunch will be provided for all participants. Parents and siblings are welcome.  This event is free, of course! Please register under Events on the Home page and let us know how many are coming so we know how much pizza to order. No registration deadline - last minute okay!
Questions can be directed to Susan Daly- susan.y.daly@gmail.com.  We hope you can join us in this worthwhile community effort!

Election Day Conservation Project

Nov 4 2014 - 9:30am
Nov 4 2014 - 11:30am
Woodland Park, Darien


Nov 3 2015 - 9:30am
Nov 3 2015 - 11:30am
DCA Bird Sanctuary, 274 Middlesex Road, Darien