Posted on Apr 27 2015 - 1:41pm
 Spin, Pop, Boom! 
Our April Pack Night is sponsored by our Tigers - Den 3! Thursday, April 30, 6:30-7:30pm at Tokeneke School.
Learn about crazy chemical reactions, the amazing properties of acids and bases, and the greatness of gravity. Discover the forces that act on roller coasters as we simulate what happens when they spin upside down. See combustion in action as our roaring exothermic reaction lights up the stage. We’ll also create a colorful chemical reaction rainbow as we introduce acids and bases. In our finale, brave volunteers will help activate an enormous erupting foam volcano!
Take a guess at how many Hershey kisses are in the guessing jar - winner takes home the jar!
Scouts should come in full scout uniform and bring with them a non-perishable food item(s) for Person to Person in Darien.



Posted on Apr 22 2014 - 10:29am


A call to service in the name of health and education!

April Pack Night is this Thursday, 4/24 from 6:00-7:00 (please note the change in time and location) at the Chester Addison Community Center, 245 Selleck Street in Stamford.

The Chester Addison Community Center (CACC) is a vibrant, comprehensive community center serving the social, emotional, educational, and health needs of Stamford’s Waterside residents. The center is situated in Southwood Square, the neighborhood’s mixed income housing development. Its 315 households are home to over 200 children.

We will focus on nutrition and service this month - a great combination! First, our speaker, Michael Hyman of the Domus Academy (affiliate of Chester - located in New Haven) will give the boys an overview of Chester Addison Community Center and another speaker (TBD) will speak of the value of nutrition in our diets.

The scouts will take this information and complete an educational craft to pass on the knowledge they have learned to Chester's Kindergarten children. The boys will fill paper bags with fresh fruit and decorate the bags to indicate the nutritional benefits of each of the fruits inside. Boys will help educate the Kindergarteners, learn a thing or two about nutrition and help those less fortunate as well.

One lucky scout will take home the guessing jar of dark chocolate covered raisins - a great healthy treat!

Boys should be in full scout uniform.


April's Pack Night was a big success THANK YOU!

Posted on Apr 22 2016 - 2:49pm
Thank you parents for attending the leadership training. The Cub Scouts had a fantastic time with a campfire, s'mores, hot dogs and tons of fun outside. The Boy Scouts from Troop 35 were amazing role models for our boys. What an great Pack Night!


Jan 11 2016 - 6:30pm
Jan 11 2016 - 7:30pm
Boy Scout Cabin - West Avenue

BALOO Training

Mar 8 2014 - 9:00am
Mar 8 2014 - 3:00pm
Andrew Shaw Memorial Scout Cabin, 140 West Avenue, Darien


Posted on Mar 4 2014 - 2:08pm

Hello Den leaders and Parents!

Do you want to learn how to lead a Cub Scout campout?  If so, come join us this coming Saturday for the last BALOO training course of the year run by the Powahay District!
BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) training is a one-day training course in basic outdoor camping. For our Pack to camp overnight, at least one BALOO-trained adult is mandatory.  Our Pack very much needs a couple more parents who are BALOO-trained, so we can take advantage of our spring campout the weekend of May 17-18!
The training class is this coming Saturday, March 8 from 9am-3pm at the Darien Scout Cabin.
Anyone who is interested contact Michael Yoo (michael.yoo.darien@gmail.com or 203-253-9824). Michael will be taking the class himself and would love to have some Pack 161 parents as company...

Bell Ringing - Salvation Army

Dec 21 2013 - 10:00am
Dec 21 2013 - 3:00pm
Palmers Market, Darien


Posted on Dec 8 2013 - 9:52am

Join Pack 161 in bell ringing for the Salvation Army! 


  We will be ringing those famous Christmas bells outside of Palmers Market on Saturday, December 21 from 10am-3pm. Scouts will work in one hour shifts (two scouts per shift) to help collect funds for those in need. RSVP/signup is required. To register, please RSVP under "Events" in the right hand column of the home page. Please list in the notes column your desired timeslot. (Note: to prevent signing up for the same timeslot as other scouts, please click on attendee list to see timeslots for scouts already registered). Siblings are welcomed, but please no friends for this event. Adults must remain on premises while scouts work. Scouts must be in full uniform.


Timeslots are as follows:









Posted on Nov 17 2013 - 10:11pm


Join Pack 161 on Thursday, November 21st at Tokeneke School at 6:30 PM for our Blue & Gold Pack Night!! The purpose of the Blue & Gold event is to celebrate the pack's anniversary, thank pack leaders and other adults who have helped the pack and inspire the leaders, scouts, and parents.

The theme for the evening is Citizenship. The Scouts will have a chance to hear from local Eagle Scouts about what scouting has meant to them and how they selected and completed their projects. Each Den will also be creating a set of keepsake Den Flags. We’ll also be decorating sugar cookies in celebration of the Blue & Gold. The scouts won’t want to miss the Guessing Jar, which will be filled with blue gummy sharks and gold rock candy.

In honor of Thanksgiving, please bring a non-perishable bottle (gallon or ½ gallon) of juice, iced tea or lemonade to be donated to Inspirica, a Stamford based women’s shelter.


May 18 2013 - 10:00am
May 19 2013 - 9:00am
Hoyt Scout Reservation Upper Cabin Area, 288 Simpaug Tpk, Redding, CT